{Podcast} Confidence My Way

Hello My People!!

I am on Day 6 of doing PODMAS and although I haven’t really posted about what PODMAS was all about on the blog, I figured I’ll take today and explain and share it with you.

On December 1st I started doing PODMAS which is like VLOGMAS and is really designed to get you to do MORE!  Do more videos (vlogmas) or in my case more podcasts (podmas).  So today is Day 6 and I’m sharing it with you here.  There are no topics, you can post whatever you want.  The goal is just do more.  The beauty of this challenge is that it is getting me more comfortable with podcasting and although there is no real format I’m loving how it’s flowing so far!

You can also follow me on iTunes especially if you are an iTunes listener.  Actually if you are an iTunes listener please go to iTunes and leave a feedback comment and rating!! I would greatly appreciate it!  I have content I would like to share more of and I would love for more people to find me!

Today I’m speaking on Confidence … enjoy!


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