I Eat My Water

Hey Luvs!

For todays WELLNESS WEDNESDAY, I have a confession…I’m not the biggest fan of WATER! Just plain old drinking water.  I go through phases when I crave it and I also go through phases where I truly can’t stand it and have to force myself to drink just plain old drinking water. Now before you think you have to give me ways to drink it, please know that I totally know of many ways to enjoy water, however i’m just going through my “I can’t stand it” phase…this too shall pass :-).

So since I definitely know how much I need my water during this time I have to find other ways to consume it so right now this is what I do.  Just in case you are reading this and would like to know others ways to get your water (not just ways to fancy up plain old water) this post is for you.

  1. I drink fresh coconut water DAILY- Its more hydrating and has minerals our body needs
  2. I eat Watermelon – its packed with water and the bonus of vitamins and minerals our body needs such as Vitamin C, lycopene, Potassium and antioxidants
  3. I eat Cucumbers- a vegetable that is mostly water as well
  4. Drink herbal tea – now this is more along the lines of “Fancying” up water but never the less I get my water and the benefits of the herbs within the tea (btw my favorite tea right now is guava leaf tea that I make myself by getting leaves off the guava tree in front of my house, also senna tea, and hibiscus tea)

So, there are definitely other ways to get your water besides making it fancy or forcing yourself to drink it.  Now, of course once this “phase ” is over I will be back to just being fine with drinking plain old water but for now… I Eat My Water!  If you ever find yourself not wanting to drink water try just eating it!

Until next time Luvs…much love and holism for life!

~ I Am Tassie…Living ~
Lic. Holistic Skin & Wellness Practitioner
Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Master of Self

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