Shedding Light and Art In Life with Blak Phoenix

Shedding Light and Art In Life with Blak Phoenix

Standing in your truth, is Standing in your power! Its awesome to connect with women who understand this and can find confidence in walking in it!  This beautiful soul is resonating with her truth and I love it!  I only hope you feel the vibe 

Feeling Connected with Ones Self with Sasha McCullough

Feeling Connected with Ones Self with Sasha McCullough

Feeling connected to yourself is the root of being BUC!  I feel Sasha is exemplifying that connectedness in her expression of self.  I can really appreciate what she shared about being Bold Unique and Creative with us.  I truly hope you feel and connect with 

Being Intentional In Life with Ayanna Scott

Being Intentional In Life with Ayanna Scott

Taking care of others is huge task in itself and relocating your entire life in order to do it is not only huge but an extremely BOLD task!  Ayanna is not only changing her life but the lives of the ones she love through her 

Removing Comfort Zones with Tiffani Scurlock

Removing Comfort Zones with Tiffani Scurlock

Sometimes removing yourself from your own comfort zone is the BOLDEST move you can make! Tiffani did just that!  I’m sure many of you can relate to a BOLD move such as this and if not, allow this piece from Tiffani to be an encouragement 

Take A Soulful Journey with Kia Weaver

Take A Soulful Journey with Kia Weaver

Being a soulful creator and reminding yourself that you have all the capabilities necessary to succeed and be who you are supposed to be is another reason why I love featuring these BUC Women and Kia Weaver is definitely a wonderful example of all of 

How A BOLD Move Manifested Self Love With Joy Janay

How A BOLD Move Manifested Self Love With Joy Janay

It it takes a lot to learn how to LOVE yourself!  Today Joy shares how her BOLD move manifested and showed her how truly important it is to love YOURSELF!  It’s a lesson we all can learn from & I hope after reading this you 

Embrace Your Experience with Latanya

Embrace Your Experience with Latanya

Today its simply about embracing your experience! Latanya is truly the epitome of one who embraces their experience and she has the intuitive ability to help others do the same!  I am a witness to what that looks like due to times that I have 

Becoming Fearless with Sheilah

Becoming Fearless with Sheilah

 The courage that it takes to become fearless and use our stories as a true testimony is what Sheilah of KeepYourCoolMama is all about!  I hope her story inspires you to become fearless and courageous! •••••••••• I am BOLD because… I no longer allow fear